Grey. Six male and female dancers in grey leotards with broad horizontal stripes on the back seated in a straight line leaning to the right and reaching up with the left arm.

Grey. Six male and female dancers in grey leotards with broad horizontal stripes on the back sitting and standing and reaching up in the same direction.

Grey. Male dancer jumps over two women huddled together low on the floor by pushing off with his hands against the shoulders of two men standing on either side of the women.

Grey. Male dancer jumps is lifted high by five other dancers and being lowered to the floor.

Grey. Male dancer is put on the floor by five other dancers.

Grey. Six female and male dancers are standing on their toes and facing to the side arching their baks and looking up.

Grey. Female dancer lays on the back of a male dancer who is on all fours as she reaches her arms and legs out.

Grey. Six female and male dancers look their left while their legs are bent in plié in second position. The stage is light in dim purple light.

Grey. Solemn blond female dancer sits in her wheelchair with one leg bent on the seat looking down.

Grey. Madison Ferris sits on the floor with her legs straight in front as she reaches back and pushes against the seat of her wheelchair into a big arch.

Grey. Madison Ferris and Madeline Charles are on either side of a wheelchair as they curve their bodies towards the chair and one has her leg extended up behind her.

Grey. Madison Ferris and Madeline Charles are seated back to back in front of a wheelchair and arch their backs towards each other. Both are wearing light and dark grey leotards and skirts.

Grey. Madison Ferris and Madeline Charles are seated behind each other on the floor as they fold forward and hold each other.

Grey. Madison Ferris and Madeline Charles are seated on the wheelchair and right next to it respectively as they bend their upper bodies sideways and reach up with one arm.

Grey. Madeline Charles stands on her right leg and has her left leg extended high behind her in arabesque as she reaches both arms forward and up.

Grey. Madeline Charles is deeply curved over into a large squat with her head down.

Grey. On a dark stage in a small lit circle dancer Dominique Lockett sits on one knee and solemnly reaches one arm up as he looks up in the same direction.

Grey. On a dark stage in two small lit circles two male dancers stand up and reach up with one arm as they look up.

Grey. The stage is dimly lit as dancers Samuel Caraballo and Antoine Hunter start to turn and run.

Grey. Four male dancers in sleeveless grey costumes walk in a straight line towards the audience on a dimly lit and foggy stage.

Grey. Close up of three male dancers in sleeveless grey costumes walk in a straight line towards the audience.

Grey. Male dancer stands on the hands of three other male dancers and is lifted up as he reaches up.

Grey. Four male dancers reach up with both ares as they face the same direction and lunge with their legs.

Grey. Four male dancers in sleeveless grey costumes stand in a lunge with bent arms behind them on a dimly lit and foggy stage.

Grey. Four male dancers in sleeveless grey costumes stand in the same pose on one leg with the other leg extended behind them in arabesque as they arch their backs and extend their arms behind them on a dimly lit and foggy stage.

Grey. Male dancer stands on the hands of three other male dancers and is lifted up as he reaches up as though trying to escape.

Grey. Male dancer stands on the hands of three other male dancers and is lifted up as he contracts in and looks down.

Grey. On a very dark stage dancer Antoine Hunter dramatically lifts student-dancer Matthew high above his head as Matthew looks up and extends his arms to the side.

Grey. Six student-dancers in grey dresses and costumes finishing a turn.

Grey. Seven student-dancers lined up behind each other with their right hand on the shoulder of the dancer in front of them. The stage is dimly lit in soft amber.

Grey. Two small groups of student-dancers sit in the same pose on the floor with one arm extended up. The stage is dimly lit in soft amber.

Grey. Three student-dancers stand in different corners of the stage holding longs strips of grey fabric that create a star-shaped web across the stage. The stage is lit in dark blue.

Grey. Eight student-dancers stand still in different sections of the grey fabric that creates a star-shaped web across the stage. The stage is lit in dark blue

Grey. A female student-dancers holds the center of the grey fabric that creates a star-shaped web across the stage up high above her head. The stage is lit in dark blue.

Grey. Five student-dancers stand behind each other in one line and lean to either side to create a staggered line.

Grey. Two female student-dancers in soft grey dresses are in dancing in unison as the bend one leg and reach up with the opposite arm. They are lit in amber lights.

Grey. Juliana Garber embraces dancer Janet Nightingale from behind as both gently bend forward and over.

Grey. Six women hug and support each other in one still group pose. They are lit in dark amber and orange.

Grey. Four women in short grey dresses are in various shapes with one dancer’s head being supported by another dancer.

Grey. Dancer Kelly Vaghenas holds and carries dancer Lisa Clementi as Lisa is folded into a fetal position and wraps around Kelly’s chest.

Grey. Three women in short grey dresses stand still and face the backdrop showing a video of a dancer dancing on a rooftop in Syria.

Grey. Three women bend both legs and arch their bodies back as they curve their ups up to the sky and look up. On the backdrop ruins are seen in Syria.

Grey. In front of a backdrop of ruins in Syria three women lay down on the floor and push off with their arms as though carrying the weight of the world.

Grey. On a stage lit in dark amber six women form three duos that hold hands as the pull away from each other and raise one leg up.

Grey. Dancer Nicole Speletic turns her face and upper body away and brings one arm up to the face as though shielding herself from something.

Grey. Dancer Nicole Speletic arches her back and reaches out with her arms in front of a large image on the backdrop of a refugee girl named Lamar sleeping on a blanket on the grass outside. (Photo on backdrop by Magnus Wennman ‘Where the Children Sleep’ exhibit. Photo used by permission)

Grey. Two women embrace and support a third women in-between them and she leans and almost falls backwards.

Grey. All six women in short grey dresses stand still and watch the backdrop which shows devastation and ruins in Syria.

Grey. All six women jump up alongside the male dancer shown on the backdrop who is dancing briefly on a rooftop in Syria.

Grey. Four women bend their legs and arch their bodies back as they curve their arms and look up. Behind them on the backdrop is an image of a street in Syria that has been destroyed.

Grey. All six women sit or lay down on the floor in front of an image of Maram on the backdrop. The image of 8-year old Maram is a close up of her face in a hospital bed after she was injured when a rocket hit her house. (Photo by Magnus Wennman ‘Where the Children Sleep’ exhibit. Photo used by permission)

Grey. On a dimly lit stage dancer Janet Nightingale turns and lifts her leg in front of an image of Farah, who fled Syria and loves soccer. (Photo by Magnus Wennman ‘Where the Children Sleep’ exhibit. Photo used by permission)

Grey. Dancers lay down and sit in front of a photo of toddler Amir looking up from his makeshift bed and who was born a refugee and doesn’t speak. (Photo by Magnus Wennman ‘Where the Children Sleep’ exhibit. Photo used by permission)

Grey. Close up of dancer Tina Wang in a sleeveless grey leotard as she solemnly looks straight ahead.

Grey. Dancer Tina Wang in a soft grey leotard and light skirt reaches both arms out to the side and arches her back and looks up.

Grey. Dancer Tina Wang bends her knees and reaches both arms as she does a turn.

Grey. Student-Dancer Emily in a light yellow dress walks with arms out as though walking on a balance beam.

Grey. On a stage lit in amber lighting dancer Tina Wang and student-dancer Emily do a big jump in unison with their legs and legs extended to the side creating a large X-shape.

Grey. On a stage dimly lit in amber dancer Tina Wang lifts student-dancer Emily and swirls her around her trunk. Emily holds onto Tina with her arms and has her legs extended to the side as she swirls.

Grey. On a stage lit in amber and dark orange and brown dancer Tina Wang extends her leg behind her in arabesque as student-dancer Emily holds Tina’s foot that is extended in the air.

Grey. Against a back drop lit in dark blue, dancer Tina Wang and student-dancer Emily do a big jump in unison with one leg pulled up and bent and their arms reaching straight up.

Grey. Dancer Tina Wang and student-dancer Emily roll onto their backs onto the floor in unison and have their right legs pointed straight up in the air and their left legs bent at the knee.

Grey. On a.fairly dark stage dancer Tina Wang sits on the floor with her right leg extended to the side as she has both hands placed on student-dancer Emily’s back who is standing in front of her as she pushes Emily forward.

Grey. Against a soft grey and beige backdrop dancer Tina Wang lifts student-dancer Emily high above her head.

Grey. Against a soft grey and beige backdrop dancer Tina Wang holds student-dancer Emily folded against her chest as she carries her. Emily rests her head against Tina’s shoulder.

Grey. Against a very dark blue backdrop dancer Tina Wang lifts student-dancer Emily and swirls her around her trunk. Emily holds onto Tina with her left arm and has her legs extend out behind her.

Grey. Against a backdrop that is lit in dark purple/red, dancer Tina Wang hugs student-dancer Emily from behind and rests her head on Emily’s head.

Silver Staircase. Against a backdrop that has an image projected of being under water, two female dancers are being lifted up high as they extend their legs out in arabesque behind them and reach their arms out. Other dancers are nearby as they lay and roll on the floor.

Silver Staircase. Against a backdrop that has an image projected of being under water, dancer Stefanie Roper in a short wavy dress in various colors blue and silver, sits on her knees and bends to one side as she reaches her arm overhead.

Silver Staircase. Against a backdrop that has an image projected of being under water, seven dancers are in a side push-up pushing off on one arm with the other arm reaching straight up as they reach out to the side with both legs straight and extended.

Silver Staircase. Close up of four dancers in dark blue and other shades of blue and silver wavy short costumes. All four dancers reach out with their arms in a large semi-circle shape.

Silver Staircase. Against a backdrop that has an image projected of being under water, eight male and female dancers are in various streamlined poses and movements creating a ripple effect.

Silver Staircase. Against a backdrop that has an image projected of being under water, eight dancers are standing up straight on their toes as they reach both arms up at the sky while they look down with their gaze.

Sshhh. Five women dressed in grey school uniform skirts and white tank tops sit on five chairs in various slouched positions and they look like they are waiting or bored. The stage is lit in a dark teal and grey color.

Sshhh. Close up of two women dressed in grey school uniform skirts and white tank tops as they sit on chairs with their legs and arms crossed. The front dancer, Samantha Barriento, looks straight ahead. Stefanie Roper sits behind her and looks at her.

Sshhh. Three women dressed in grey school uniform skirts and white tank tops sit on three chairs with their backs to the audience and one leg on either side of the chair. Their arms reach up on a large round shape. The stage is lit in a dark teal and grey color.

Sshhh. Five women dressed in grey school uniform skirts and white tank tops are upside down with both hands on the floor and one leg extended straight and all the way up. The stage is lit in a dark teal and grey color.

Sshhh. Close up of dancer Samantha Barriento looking up with both arms out to the side. The backdrop is dark teal.

Sshhh. Five women dressed in grey school uniform skirts and white tank tops stand together as they arch their backs and rotate their upper bodies.

Sshhh. Close up of dancer Amber Davis as she reaches her hands out low in front of her and leans her upper body and head to her right.

Sshhh. Close up of dancer Stefanie Roper who is folded forward into a small ball on the floor.
Sshhh. Close up of dancer Andrea Ansale who stands and looks straight ahead against a dark pink and purple backdrop.

Sshhh. Close up of dancer Kelly Vaghenas as she raises her right leg into a strong kick as though in a fight.

Sshhh. In-between five chairs on a stage lit in fuchsia and purple, three dancers stand and reach up with both arms as one leg extends behind them in arabesque. Two other dancers are huddled low on the floor.

Sshhh. The five women stand on all five chairs grouped together in a clump as they stomp one foot and raise their right arm up into a fist. The stage lit in fuchsia.

Sshhh. The five women stand in front of the chairs as they gaze out and slowly step forward. The stage lit in fuchsia.

Stems. Dancer Katie Mollison in a dark blue knee-length flowing dress stands facing the side in a white foggy spotlight on a dark stage as she leans forward and reaches one leg behind her in arabesque.

Stems. Dancer Katie Mollison in a dark blue knee-length flowing dress stands facing the side in a white foggy spotlight on a dark stage as she leans forward and reaches one leg behind her in arabesque and reaches out with both arms.

Stems. Dancer Samantha Barriento on a very dark blue stage in a dark blue dress looks up with both arms out to the side as she bends het legs in a large second position.

Stems. Dancers Kelly Vaghenas and Katie Mollison on a very dark blue stage in a dark blue dresses travel across the stage with their bodies turned to the side and both arms up and bent at the elbows (like a cactus shape).

Stems. Dancers Samantha, Kelly, and Katie on a very dark blue and foggy stage in a dark blue dresses travel across the stage with their bodies turned to the side and both arms up as they arch their backs and extend one leg out in front.

Stems. Dancer Madeline Charles in a flowing daffodil-yellow dress stands on leg on her toes with the other leg bent at the knee creating a triangle shape while she arches her upper back and has her arms out to the side.

Stems. Dancer Madeline Charles in a flowing daffodil-yellow dress turns with one bent leg up and he arms in a curved shape create a spiral effect.

Stems. Dancer Andrea in a light blue dress and Amber Davis in a violet dress in spiral turns against a blue and pink backdrop.

Stems. Dancer Amber Davis jumps with one leg kicked up high to the side and both arms up in a large V-shape against a blue and violet backdrop.

Stems. Close up of dancer Stefanie Roper in a light green dress reaching up with both arms reaching out. Behind her are two women in the same pose in a yellow dress and a peach-colored dress.

Stems. Five women in five bright colored flowing knee-length dresses bend their knees in second position in unison with their arms reaching out to the side. The backdrop has a mix of rich pink and blue colors.

Stems. Four women in violet, light green, yellow, and peach colored flowing knee-length dresses jump in unison with one leg pulled up and bent at the knee and their arms reaching up.. The backdrop has a mix of pink and blue colors.

Stems. Six women in six bright colored flowing knee-length dresses turn in unison with their arms out to the side and bent at the elbow as their dresses swirl out and reveal a different color underneath. The backdrop has a mix of pink and blue colors.

Stems. Eight women in eight bright colored flowing knee-length dresses jump in unison with one leg kicked up high to the side and their arms reaching up in a large V-shape. The backdrop has a mix of pink, yellow, and teal colors.

Stems. Three women in light pink, yellow, and dark pink dresses respectively, lift a fourth woman in a dark purple dress above their heads as she keeps her body extended horizontally. The backdrop has a mix of yellow and teal colors.

Stems. Eight women in eight bright colored flowing knee-length dresses turn in unison with their arms out to the side and bent at the elbow as their dresses swirl out and reveal a different color underneath. The backdrop has a mix of pink, yellow, and teal colors.

Stems. Twelve women in twelve bright colored flowing knee-length dresses stand on their toes as they slowly turn with their arms up in a large V-shape. The stage is lit in a mix of dark blues, purples, and pinks, as though bathed in moonlight.